8-11 de mayo. Estambul. 8ª Conferencia internacional de Seguridad y Salud Laboral

Deadline for abstract submission is 1 February 2016. The NEW deadline for short-papers submission is January 18th 2016.

8ª Conferencia internacional de Seguridad y Salud Laboral

General information

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security was established in 1946. With its departments and subsidiaries, it aims at ensuring the realization of the social affluence and justice, as well as improving the living standards of workers and quality of workforce.

For this purpose, The Ministry takes preventive measures for the arrangement of working life and ensures facilitation of the relationship between the employer and employee for the protection of the working peace through Professional training, inspection and law enforcement. One of the most important tasks of the Ministry is to facilitate a safe and healthy work environment for the workers as well as occupational rehabilitation of the disabled people.

This task is carried out by the Directorate General of Occupational Health and Safety. For this purpose The Ministry utilizes tools such as training and implementation of social insurance services against various physical, economic and social risks. The Ministry of Labour and Social Security also collects and publishes labour statistics on yearly basis.

Goal of Conference

Intercontinental synergy for Occupational Health and Safety at the melting pot of civilizations.

  • Right to work at a healthy and safe environment is one of the fundamental human rights. The primary objectives of OSH are to take precautions by predetermining any factors in the working environment that may harm the employees; to provide a comfortable, healthy and safe labour life without any occupational accidents or diseases; to sustain the mental and physiological health of the employees.
  • According to ILO numbers there are 3 billion employees in the world 1.2 billion of which are female. Every day 6 thousand workers i.e. every minute 4 worker die due to occupational accidents or diseases. On annual basis 360 thousand people die due to occupational accidents and 1 million 950 thousand people die due to occupational diseases.
  • These aforesaid occupational accidents and diseases, which impair the world labour life, the work and social life of the employees and the national and regional economies, impelled a boost in the global awareness of occupational health and safety.
  • During the last few centuries the concept of occupational health and safety advanced and changed in accordance with the development in labour life. Nowadays occupational health and safety, as an issue, is considered to be basically modern, proactive and preventive systematic approach with a common endeavor of stakeholders.
  • Within this scope, in order to provide a platform for information sharing, coordination and cooperation, 8th International Conference on OSH will be organized in 8th -11th May 2016 with main title “Sustainable OHS”. The conference will include a wide range of 34 topics such as subcontracting, disabled employees, ergonomics and psychological risk factors.
  • This conference will be a great opportunity to provide a forum for sharing new information and implementation models that aims at promoting OSH; to form cooperations and build networks, to increase and strengthen the coordination in between related bodies; to improve knowledge in OSH and to share strategies

From past to present…
International Occupational Health and Safety Conference, organized by Ministry of Labour and Social Security, was first held in 2001 in Ankara.
With the 8th conference to be held in İstanbul in 2016, academicians leading their fields, specialists, parties related to labour life and students, forming a synergy altogether, will find an opportunity to share knowledge, experience and good implementation models under the title of “Health and Safety Promotion at Workplaces”.
The last 7 conferences hosted by Ministry of Labour and Social Security are listed below:

  • VII. International Occupational Health and Safety Conference
    5 – 7 May 2014 – İstanbul, Turkey
  • VI. International Regional Conference on OSH (under XIX. World Congress on OSH)
    11 – 15 September 2011 – İstanbul, Turkey
  • V. International Regional Conference on OSH
    1 – 3 November 2008 – İstanbul, Turkey
  • IV. International Regional Conference on OSH
    15 – 17 November 2005 – Ankara, Turkey
  • III. International Regional Conference on OSH
    13 – 15 October 2003 – Ankara, Turkey
  • II. International Regional Conference on OSH
    9 – 11 October 2002 – Ankara, Turkey


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